
Monday, April 29, 2013

Rolling Stone: Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever The Illuminati were amateurs. The second huge financial scandal of the year reveals the real international conspiracy: There's no price the big banks can't fix

Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal
Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal

Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game. We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world's largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything

But the biggest shock came out of a federal courtroom at the end of March – though if you follow these matters closely, it may not have been so shocking at all – when a landmark class-action civil lawsuit against the banks for Libor-related offenses was dismissed. In that case, a federal judge accepted the banker-defendants' incredible argument: If cities and towns and other investors lost money because of Libor manipulation, that was their own fault for ever thinking the banks were competing in the first place.

All of these stories collectively pointed to the same thing: These banks, which already possess enormous power just by virtue of their financial holdings – in the United States, the top six banks, many of them the same names you see on the Libor and ISDAfix panels, own assets equivalent to 60 percent of the nation's GDP – are beginning to realize the awesome possibilities for increased profit and political might that would come with colluding instead of competing. Moreover, it's increasingly clear that both the criminal justice system and the civil courts may be impotent to stop them, even when they do get caught working together to game the system.

Read more: 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Upholding your rights as a free citizen (video)

Practice peaceful non-compliance...... know the Constitution.....if we don't uphold it, we lose our Liberty..... 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Common Law and Business Trusts

Common Law and Business Trusts
Common Law and Business Trusts

Today, very few people know that they have a fundamental choice: to live their lives and conduct their businesses commerce) under common-law jurisdiction or under statutory jurisdiction. Common Law is the law of Creator, Prime, or Oneness which I believe the law of the Constitution was begun from. The other set of law is statutory law which is legislated by law set forth by different corporations.
Researching the roots of statutory law you will find its’ basis in vengeance, according to Oliver W. Holmes.  The basis of Common Law is contract so it figures that living a common law lifestyle requires a certain level of knowledge about communicating and understanding the concept of “value”.  In our society now people’s lifestyles are based on avoiding penalties and we allow politicians to do our thinking and bidding for us. Living in Common Law, which is to say, practicing it moment to moment provides a very different perspective on life. You have a choice to get tangled into invisible contracts or not because you have a keener awareness in the structure of a contract.

Most people ask me why do they need a business trust, or why do I use one. For me, I use a business trust because it reinforces that I am the Creator of my life. Simply put, as the Creator of my life I use a non incorporated business trust because it’s a pure trust, an organizational tool, that protects property, assets, and affairs during my journey here, along with distributing them after I am gone from this body to benefit the beneficiaries. 

To the degree at which you understand the differences between corporate law and the lawfulness of common law, is depth by which you see the benefits of a business trust. When all else fails, you need to do your research and due diligence to cultivate that understanding. You can learn about common law resources by clicking here. A business trust is an entity controlled by its Trustee(s) who are also in charge of distributing Trust assets to Trust beneficiaries (Trust Certificate Units).

Below are some common questions about a business trust and the court citations, where available in italics, to evidence the answers.

ARTICLE 1, SECTION 10 of the United States Constitution....
“No state shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts.” 

Q. What is a Trust?

A trust is, "An obligation arising out of a confidence reposed in the trustee, or person who has the legal title to property conveyed to him, that he will faithfully apply the property according to the confidence reposed; in other words, according to the wishes of the creator of the trust."

Q. What are the four essential elements to a valid legal trust of personal property?

here are four essential elements of a valid trust of personal property: (1) A designated beneficiary; (2) at least one designated trustee, who must not be the beneficiary; (3) a fund or other property sufficiently designated or identified to enable title thereto to pass to the trustee; and (4) the actual delivery of the fund or other property, or of a legal assignment thereof to the trustee, with the intention of passing legal title thereto to him as trustee.

Q. What type of law applies to a business trust, also known as a unincorporated business organization (UBO), or Massachusetts Business Trust (MBT)?

Business trusts are recognized under the term "common law trust".
88 American Law Reports 3d 704, citing Schumann-Heink v. Folsom 328 III 321, 159 NE 250, 50 ALR 485 (1927)

A pure trust is not subject to legislative control. The U.S. Supreme Court holds that the trust is created and its relationship comes under the realm of equity based upon the common law and is not subject to legislative restrictions as are corporations and other statutory entities or organizations created by legislative authority.
Croker v. MacCloy, 649 US Supp 39; and Elliott v. Freeman, 220 US 178.

The United States Supreme Court has acknowledged the Trust contract as a "pure or true" trust, citing the Hecht case in Navarro v. Lee. Hecht v. Malley 265 US 144 (1924) Navarro v. Lee 446 US 458 (1980)

Q. Can a business trust be used in commerce and personal affairs?

The trust contract is established by private parties, for personal purposes, is not registered with the state corporation commissioner to comply with statutes relating to incorporating and does not invalidate the trust organization. 
Hodgkiss v. Northland Petroleum Consolidated, 104 Mont 328. 67, P 2d 811

A business trust is a common law entity formed by contract, and thus, is not subject to the same types of state regulation as a corporation. 
Elliott v. Freeman, 220 US 178; and Crocker v. Malloy, 39 US 270.

Q. Are Certificate holders (beneficiaries) of a business trust able to have their Certificates taken from them using a legal process?

Certificate holders of a Trust Contract enjoy an even greater immunity from personal liability than is accorded to stockholders of corporations.
Goldwater v. Oltman, 210 Cal 408, 292 P624, 71 ALR 871

Q. What are typical duties and responsibilities of a Trustee?

A. They accept the initial gift or conveyance of property on behalf of the organization and acknowledge the delivery of all property specified on Schedule "A".
B. They agree to conduct the organization's affairs in good faith, in conformity with the terms and conditions set forth in this contract and its inherent trust provisions.
C. They agree to exercise their best judgment and discretion to conserve and improve the property of the trust estate in accordance with decisions of the Board of Trustees as set forth in the organization's minutes.
D. They agree, upon final liquidation of the trust estate, to distribute the assets to the existing certificate holders as their contingent rights may appear.
ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS: The Trustees, and their successors, may hold administrative offices within the organization, and may singularly or collectively exercise authority granted by the Board of Trustees in the management of company affairs. They are herein authorized to exclusively manage, administer and control the trust estate without the consent of certificate holders. The following specific terms and conditions apply:
A. The Board of Trustees shall be at least one (1) in number, and may be increased as deemed necessary in the manner set forth above.
B. A Trustee may resign or be removed from the Board, with or without cause, by a resolution of the Board of Trustees determined by a majority vote or by a mandate of a court of competent jurisdiction.

C. In the event of death, removal from the Board, or resignation of a Trustee, the vacant position shall be filled by a successor Trustee, if preappointed, or the remaining Board of Trustees may appoint a successor by unanimous vote. Should the entire Board of Trustees become vacant, upon proper application by a qualified party, a court shall appoint one Trustee who, after accepting the appointment, shall in turn appoint a second Trustee, and they may jointly appoint others as provided in the manner set forth above.
D. The signing and acknowledging of this contract by any Trustee or Trustees shall constitute the Trustees' collective acceptance of this contract and its trust provisions and the Trustees' acknowledgment that this organization's property and assets are vested in fee simple in the trust estate without any further act or conveyance by the Board of Trustees. The Trustees as discretionary fiduciaries shall hold legal and equitable title to all assets.

E. The Board of Trustees may provide for meetings at stated intervals without notice, and special meetings may be called at any time by one or more Trustees upon three day's written notice. At any regular or special meeting, a majority of the Trustees shall constitute a quorum for conducting business, provided affirmative action may only be had upon a majority vote of the Trustees, whether present or absent, except that in a special meeting called for a special purpose the majority present may affirmatively act in emergency matters. A telephone or fax vote shall be a valid vote.

F. Any resolution of the Board of Trustees shall be deemed within the Board's power so long as the resolution is not inconsistent with this organizational document and any amendments thereto.

G. The Trustees shall be controlled by this document as amended and future resolutions of the Board of Trustees. All meetings and resolutions shall be recorded in a company minute book.

H. The Trustees shall keep proper records and accounts as the Board of Trustees deems necessary for the proper management of the trust estate.

I. The Trustees shall not be required to individually assume liability for loss of company assets while acting in good faith on behalf of the organization, or for any act or omission of any other Trustees, agents or employees. They shall, however, be liable for their own breach of good faith if such breach is established in a court of competent jurisdiction. If a Trustee shall for any reason suffer a personal loss while providing good faith service to the trust, the Trustee shall be reimbursed for such loss from the trust estate.

J. The Board of Trustees, at the expiration of the term as set forth herein, shall wind up company affairs and terminate the company operations, making final distribution as provided. If the organization was recorded publicly, the Trustees shall file with the Recorder a notice of termination; and the Trustees, thereupon, shall automatically be discharged, provided final administration and distribution was made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. Otherwise, a court of equity may be invoked to review and correct any tort or error.

K. When there are no longer trustees and beneficiaries the Manager will have the right to dissolve the trust by following the procedures in “J”.

TRUSTEE POWERS: The Trustees shall have general common law powers over the company and the trust estate herein, and may do anything any citizen may lawfully do in any state or country. Specifically, but not by way of limitation, they shall have all rights, authority and power as follows:

A. To compromise or abandon any claims arising out of, in favor of, or against the company and its trust estate, and the Trustees' good faith decision in that regard shall be binding and conclusive on all parties.

B. To manage, invest and reinvest the trust estate, or any part thereof, in any kind of property or venture which men of prudence, discretion and intelligence consider for their own account, without being restricted to investments which are ordinarily permitted by law or customarily used for trust funds, and without restrictions as to the duration of this organization. Specifically included, but not by way of limitation, are real estate, collectables, gems, art works, precious metals, corporate obligations of every kind, preferred and common stock, commodities, mutual funds and trust funds.

C. To open, maintain and close bank and thrift accounts of every kind, and conduct all monetary affairs of this trust.

D. To sell at public or private sale for cash, credit, or cash and credit, and upon such terms and conditions as the Trustees may deem proper.

E. To sell, grant, convey, mortgage, option, rent, lease or pledge all trust estate assets, real, personal or mixed, in such manner as deemed appropriate.

F. To borrow on or encumber the trust estate without restriction, and to make loans with or without security. All borrowed funds shall immediately become a part of the trust estate.

G. To allocate capital gains and/or dividends to trust principal as may be deemed appropriate or advantageous to the trust estate.

H. To register company property in the name of the company, a fictitious trade name of the company, a Trustee or nominee so long as company ownership of such property can be clearly demonstrated.

I. To make distributions in cash or in kind and to assign values to such property according to the Trustees' best judgment.

J. To accept additions to the trust estate by deed, will, assignment, exchange, gift, grant, insurance proceeds or any other methods deemed acceptable to the Trustees. The Trustees are further authorized to honor any buy-sell agreements extant as to any property or interest held in trust.

K. To elect and remunerate officers from the Board or elsewhere as deemed appropriate or expedient. To hire and remunerate employees, agents or contractions. To incur and pay the ordinary and necessary expenses of administration, including, but not limited to, legal fees, accountant's fees, Trustee fees, brokerage fees, consulting fees and the like, and to allocate all the expenses and receipts between principal and income as the Trustees shall deem proper.

L. To give proxies, to deposit securities with and transfer title to committees representing securities holders and to participate in voting trusts, reorganizations and other transactions involving the common interest of security holders.

M. To open margin accounts with securities firms and commodities traders and to buy, write or trade in options, commodities, and to make short sales. The Trustees shall be empowered to hold securities in their own names, the name of a nominee, in street name, or unregistered in such condition that ownership will pass. The Trustees shall incur no liability to the company for any loss. Further, any securities firm or commodities traders may rely on this document and the trust provisions herein in respect of a Trustee's authority without making further inquiry.

N. The Trustees are expressly authorized to hold, manage and operate any company property, or business or enterprise. The profits and losses, if any therefrom, shall be chargeable respectively to the trust estate.

O. The Trustees are authorized to pay all taxes out of the trust estate, and have complete discretion, power and authority to make any decisions or elections that would effectively minimize such taxes.

P. The Trustees may expressly delegate one or more of their powers to any other person or persons as may be deemed expedient for the management of company affairs, and may revoke such delegation at any time by written notice delivered to such persons.

Q. The Trustees, by a majority vote, may change the domicile of the company with or without cause if they deem such change will protect or benefit the trust estate.

R. The Trustees, by unanimous vote, may make amendments to this contract and declaration and take such other consequential actions as they deem necessary or appropriate to protect the integrity of the organization and to insure the organization will continue to function and be administered in the best interest of certificate holders and in the manner intended.

S. The Trustees, by majority vote, may at any time and at their sole discretion wind up company affairs, terminate this organization and make distributions of the trust estate to certificate holders as provided herein.

My intention is that this article has helped you better understand the nature of a business trust.

Blessings, Steu

NOTE: This article in intended to be educational. Establishing a business trust is not a solution for everyone. This article does not attempt to explain all the details of establishing and managing a business trust. Readers should consult a qualified and professional legal representative to resolve their legal issues.

Monday, April 15, 2013

How To Use Common Law To Manage Your Affairs

How To Use Common Law To Manage Your Affairs
How To Use Common Law To Manage Your Affairs

“The general method to be pursued in the analysis of contract is the same as possession. Wherever the law gives special rights to one, or imposes special burdens on another, it does so on the ground that certain special facts are true of those individuals. In all such cases, therefore, there is a twofold task. First, to determine what are the facts to which the special consequences are attached; second, to ascertain the consequences. The first is the main field of legal argument. With regard to contracts the facts are not always the same. They may be that a certain person has signed, sealed, and delivered a writing of a certain purport. They may be that he has made an oral promise, and that the promisee has furnished him a consideration.”
Oliver W. Holmes

The world is changing and the evidence is everywhere. It follows that being astute in managing your own affairs cannot be left to the minds and/or hands of another.  One source of inspiration to enrich my life is listening to the words of very accomplished people.  Donald Trump’s book showed me that rich people own nothing and control everything. In Warren Buffets book he takes great lengths to expound his hours and hours of research that went into his work before taking any action. Most profoundly, Steve Jobs left me with his sagely advice, “Stay hungry, stay foolish.”

I have put a great deal of thought and time  into the best techniques to manage my affairs - now and on into the future when I have departed. I have looked at many legal solutions of a family trust, Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), a corporation, and generation skipping trust, to name a few.

One solution that seems most suitable to me is a contract in the form of a business trust (link), which is similar to an express trust (link) and a spendthrift trust (link). These solutions are have their origins in common law. Very briefly, let me explain the difference between a legal solution (legal or law) and a common law (lawful) solution.  This subject deserves a lengthy explanation at some point but this is not the place. The legal world we live in was created long ago. It is based in corporate law that is established under the Washington DC cooperation: United States of America (USA) (link).  Laws are legal statues created, published, managed, and enforced via agents of sub corporations of USA. For examples, cites, police departments, water districts, and so forth. 

Common law, lawfulness, differs from the legal world in that it is based on contracts. Suffice it to say here that a contract can take many forms, but the key ingredients is that the parties in the contract recognize their roles and responsibilities. One decent resource for learning more about contracts is George Mercier’s book Invisible Contracts (link). To learn more about trusts you have gotta read Handbook of the Law of Trusts (link).

Every lawful contract must have these elements: Agreement (offer and acceptance) consideration, purpose, authentic assent, and be bi-lateral (two parties). A business trust is based on the Constitution  of the United States; Article l, Sec. 10, Para. 1. It is not a partnership or corporation or statutory trust, but a separate legal entity having its own common law identity. The document and all company business shall be kept private, protected by the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC 552(a), the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, and the common law privacy rights available in the United States of America and every other applicable jurisdiction.

How To Run A Business Trust

A business trust is irrevocable, has Trustees that manage it, and it’s distributed to the holders of Trust Certificate Units (TCU’s). Yes, this organization, once put into being, is only dissolved or terminated when its’ assets are distributed to TCU holders by trustees. I like it because the trustees cannot be TCU holders and the Trustees have full power to manage all the of the organization affairs, or they can appoint a Managing Director to run the day to day affairs and then receive reporting at regular Trustee meetings.

TCUs may be surrendered to or transferred back to the organization subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, but may not otherwise be pledged, assigned, hypothecated or transferred by a TCU holder without the consent of a majority in interest of all other current TCU holders. TCUs are be immune from seizure by any creditor of the TCU owner.

Purpose of Business Trust

This trust is a contract with provisions intended to create a common law contractual company, (also known as an Unincorporated Business Organization) for receiving, conveying or holding property in fee simple, and for providing prudent management of such property, and for conducting any legitimate business through appointed Trustees for the benefit of certificate holders. The Trustees shall hold both legal and equitable title to the trust estate, and shall act solely within their powers as provided herein and within their common law rights and immunities. The administration of this organization shall be amenable to judicial regulation and under the protection of the court. If any provision herein is unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be carried into effect. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as an intent to evade or contravene any law, nor to delegate to the Trustees any special power belonging exclusively to a statutory company, franchise or incorporation.

In my opinion, 1) where most legal solutions provide little separation between the trust and the grantor, the business trust provides complete separation; and 2) a common law organization allows for a living solution as trustees have full power to manage all aspects of the organization, conversely legal solutions provide a meaningful solution only at death of grantor(s) to distribute the property. Lastly, without a doubt, there is more responsibility in establishing a trust vehicle and managing it as a Trustee then letting someone do it all for you. I have found this type of effort is very rewarding, yet is also requires my willingness to accept ongoing education both mentally and spiritually.

I hope you have found this material meaningful and that it assists you in understanding a wider variety of options to successfully manage your home and business affairs.

Blessings, Steu

NOTE: This article in intended to be educational. Establishing a business trust is not a solution for everyone. This article does not attempt to explain all the details of establishing and managing a business trust. Readers should consult a qualified and professional legal representative to resolve their legal issues.

Steu Mann is not an attorney or qualified legal representative. He uses and practices common law in his life style to bring harmony into his community and the planet.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why SEO Doesn’t Work, Is Your Web Site Or Blog Receiving The Traffic It Deserves?

Why SEO Doesn’t Work
Why SEO Doesn’t Work

Most Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts will tell you that SEO is not an exact science. But, those who have been doing this trade for a few years have the results to back up their claims. Undoubtedly, anyone can see improvements in their web site reputations within 90 days when the SEO efforts follow these three steps.

1. Research Key Words

These words and phrases are going to be associated with your business. In other words, this will be how people find you. Make sure your phrases are not attached to your business name since 1) potential new customers probably dont know your name anyways, 2) by default a decent SEO effort will naturally promote your business name, and 3) the goal of SEO is based on trending words being used in searches by users - NOW.

Use Google Trends or Good Analytics or Google Key Word Research or Bing Key Word Research to analyze your key word strategy. These are all free SEO tools.

As an example, a phase one of your SEO strategy would be to use your existing marketing slogans. After you are getting some visibility on those switch to using a more SEO driven tool approach. This will help build your confidence and get you some air time on search results pages.

2. Implement Key Words (but not over emphasize)

Use your key phrases on your content and in your meta tags. One workable strategy is using one phrase to start a paragraph. then filling in the remaining paragraph with support material and a summary sentence. My oh my ..... my English teacher would be proud of me here - so make yours proud too. After all, this is a basic paragraph structure super sized for SEO.

When possible make a hyper link from those key phrases to another blog post or page on your site. And, don’t forget, when you make links to your site from another site ..... use one of your researched key phrases to get you some search engine boost.

3. Work your “Reach Out” strategy

To grow your web presence is to create a circle of influence. This is easily accomplished by enhancing your web reputation using free tools and proven strategies. One method is publishing educational articles at places like about your services and products. Another is finding web sites or blogs that have similar interests to your biz and doing reciprocal links with them: you link to their site and they link to yours. The third, probably the most important is blogging. Sure you can pay someone to do it, but where is the fun in that?  The easiest way to get traction in search engines is blogging daily with rich content that is educational, has pictures, and uses your key phrases/words as labels. Here is an example of a well done blog: GoldTowner - alluvial mining consultants.

Steu Mann is an SEO Specialist. He has been successfully working with online technology since 1997. Follow him on Twitter at @EzWebManifest. Subscribe to receive Free Web Site Tune Up Tips at