
Sunday, April 29, 2012

World Liberation Day ( Trailer ) 5 - 5 - 2012 (video)

Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years

Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years

(NaturalNews) The concept of vaccinating to immunize began in 1796, when British apothecary (pharmacist) Edward Jenner inserted cowpox pus under the skin of an eight year old boy. Jenner based his experiment on an unsubstantiated rumor that anyone who had experienced cowpox would be immune to smallpox.

Over the next couple of years, Jenner vaccinated others with cowpox to immunize them against smallpox. Without any actual proof of efficacy and safety, Jenner impressed King George III enough with a bogus immunization guarantee that he was awarded the equivalent of today's $500,000.

Thus, Jenner was the first medical professional to administer diseased matter as medication to a healthy person and receive a substantial financial award. He was also the first to constantly denounce vaccination detractors successfully. He was protecting both his ego and large public purse.

Many health professionals throughout the 19th Century knew that there had been several cases of smallpox among those with cowpox histories.Jenner's premise was flawed.

This was actually the beginning of a tradition that is carried on by today's vaccinators. Come up with a bogus solution to prevent a disease, make a bundle of cash, and shut down reasonable arguments from those who know immunization by vaccination doesn't work safely or effectively.

England's incidents of smallpox after vaccination rose steadily from five percent in the beginning to 95% by 1895. There was even a serious epidemic around 1872, one year after smallpox vaccinations were decreed mandatory in the UK. The mortality rate among smallpox victims also shot up five fold around that time.

Despite intelligent protests with obvious facts and figures disproving efficacy, and proving harm from toxic materials and viruses contained in vaccines that endanger natural immunity, the inoculation for immunization premise has been maintained.

Protecting the industry against truth by attacking reasonable dissenters viciously has resulted in vaccine industry revenue of $17 billion annually today. This doesn't include revenue from doctors' visits for vaccinations and resulting ill health from them.

The vaccinators' tactics of suppressing scientific data from concerned professionals has become more mafia like. Sincere medical professionals who register health concerns over vaccines are severely punished and slandered by the medical mafia owned mainstream media.

The truth about vaccines and disease outbreaks -allhidden from public view

A 2012 study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the San Rafael, CaliforniaKaiser Permanente Medical Centerconcluded thatwhooping cough occurs more among vaccinated children than children not vaccinated.

In 2010, a mumps outbreak occurred among 1000 children in upper New Jersey and lower New York. Almost 80% of them had been vaccinated with the MMR (measles, mumps & rubella) vaccine.

Throughout the 1980s, official agencies reported several outbreaks of measles occurring among childrenwho had been vaccinatedin various locations including an Illinois junior high and high school, a Massachusetts high school, a region in France, and a rural area near Helisinki, Finland.

Both USA schools had well over 90% vaccinated against measles. The vaccinators claim a 90% vaccination rate among any specific populationguarantees herd immunity for that population. This bogus claim serves to create more revenue while blaming non-vaccinators for endangering humanity.

Meanwhile, despite the fact that only five percent of vaccine adverse events get reported to the "voluntary" FDA's vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS), there are manyserious adverse eventsrecorded and many more that seep through the cracks to vaccine concerned internet sites.

Thank goodness for the few MDs and others who dare speak out despite the danger it potentially puts them in. It's up to us to learn from them and just say no to vaccinations.

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The Saga of NESARA – A Romanic Adventure of the White Knights

by Former White Hat

This was sent to the comments but I am moving to a post for many to read. It explains what is going on what Drake has been talking about, the military’s effort to restore the Constitutional USA (not the United States, Inc.), to arrest bankers and politicians for illegal acts against the people, the use of clones to thwart matters, one of the many reasons behind 9/11, and how the Priory of Dracos has been behind this…
History and true story of NESARA
This change began in the mid 1970’s, when the Federal Land Bank illegally foreclosed on farmers mortgages all throughout the Midwest. In each of these cases the farmers were defrauded by the banks with the approval of the Federal Reserve System. These court cases would eventually become known as the farmer claims program.
In 1978 an elderly ranch farmer in Colorado purchased a farm with loan from the Federal Land Bank; after he died the property was passed on to his son Roy Schwasinger Jr., who was a retired military general. Soon after a Federal Land Bank officer and Federal Marshall appeared on his property and informed him the bank was foreclosing on his farm and to vacate within 30 days. Without his knowledge, his deceased father signed a stipulation which reverted the property back to the Federal Land Bank in the event of the borrower’s death.
Outraged, Roy Schwasinger filed a class action lawsuit in the Denver Federal Court system. But the case didn’t go very far and the suit was dismissed from filing incorrectly. This began Roy Schwasinger’s investigation into the inner workings of the banking system. In 1982 he was given a contract by the US senate and later Supreme Court to investigate banking fraud. But because he was under a strict non-disclosure order he was not allowed to tell the media what he discovered. In the late 80s he began sharing his knowledge with others including high ranking military personnel who helped him bring about a class action lawsuit against the federal government.
The first series of these lawsuits began in the mid 1980’s when William and Shirley Baskerville of Fort Collins, Colorado were involved in a bankruptcy case with First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins; who was trying to foreclose on their farm. At a restaurant their lawyer informed them that he would no longer be able to help them and walked-off. Overhearing the conversation Roy Schwasinger offered his advice on how to appeal the case in bankruptcy court. So in 1987 they filed an appeal (Case No. 87-C-716) with the United States District Court in Colorado.
On November 3, 1988, the Denver Federal Court system ruled that indeed the banks had defrauded the Baskervilles and proceeded to reverse its bankruptcy decision. But when the foreclosed property was not returned they filed a new lawsuit. Eventually, 23 other farmers, ranchers, and Indians swindled by the banks in the same manner would join in the case.
In these cases, the banks were foreclosing on the properties using fraudulent methods such as charging exorbitant interest, illegal foreclosure, or by not crediting mortgage payments to their account as they should have but instead would steal the mortgage payments for themselves triggering foreclosure on the property. After running out of money they continued their fight without the help of lawyers. With some assistance by the Farmers Union a new lawsuit was filed against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System.
(1) Case No. 92-C-1781
The District Court ruled in their favor and ordered the banks to return the stolen properties with help from either Federal Marshals or the National Guard. But when no payments were made, the farmers declared involuntary Chapter Seven Bankruptcy against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System. The banks appealed their case insisting they were not a business but a federal agency therefore they were not liable to pay the damages.
So the farmer’s legal team adopted a new strategy. According to the Federal Land Bank’s 1933 charter they are not allowed to make loans directly to applicants, but instead could only back loans as a guarantor in case of default. Because the Federal Land Bank had violated this rule the farmer’s legal team was able to successfully sue the bank for damages.
Word of the lawsuit began to spread; the legal team would teach others how to fight foreclosure and to help them file lawsuits as well (Case No. 93-1308-M). Celebrities such as Willie Nelson joined in the cause and helped raise money during his “Farm Aid” concerts. Here is short clip of Willie Nelson describing in his own words the series of events leading up to the farmer claims legal case……
The Baskerville case had now become the Farmer Claims Class Action Lawsuit. Worried about the legal ramifications the government retaliated against the farmers by hitting them with either outrageous IRS fees, or by imprisoning the legal team under frivolous nonrelated charges. When the farmers realized they were being unfairly targeted, they had military generals such as General Roy Schwasinger sit in the courtroom to make sure the bribed judges would vote according to constitutional law.
The farmers now with a large team of knowledgeable people of the law behind them filed a new case to claim additional damages from the fraudulent loaning activities of the Farmers Credit System.
The government tried to settle but they had already lost many cases and were now loosing the appeals as well. More and more evidence was collected. According to the National Banking Act all banks are required to register their charters with the Federal and State Bureau of Records, but none of the banks complied, allowing the legal team to sue the Farmers Credit System. Not only was Farmers Credit System not chartered to do business with the American Banking Association, but so were other quasi government organizations such as the Federal Housing Administration, The Department of Housing and Urban Development, and even the Federal Reserve Bank.
The Farmers Claims lawsuit was thrown out of court at each level with the records purposely destroyed. So in the early 1990’s Roy Schwasinger brought the case before the United States Supreme Court. Some of the content of this case is sealed from public eyes but most of it can be viewed today.
Almost (u-nan-ah-mous-ly) unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were indeed VALID, therefore, all property foreclosed by the Farmers Credit System was illegal and all those who were foreclosed on would have to receive damages. In addition, they ruled that the U.S. federal government and banks had defrauded the farmers, and all U.S. citizens, out of vast sums of money and property.
And furthermore, the court ruled the shocking truth that the IRS was a Puerto Rican Trust and that the Federal Reserve was unlawful, that the income tax amendment was only ratified by four states and therefore was not a legal amendment, that the IRS code was not enacted into “Positive Law”* within the Code of Federal Regulations, and how the U.S. government illegally foreclosed on farmer’s homes with help from federal agencies.
*Positive Law
Laws that have been enacted by a properly instituted and recognized branch of the government.
Irrefutable proof was presented by a retired CIA agent. He provided testimony and records of the banks illegal activities, to lead further evidence that the Farmers’ Union claims were indeed legitimate. The implications of such a decision were profound. All gold, silver, and property titles, taken by the Federal Reserve and IRS must be returned to the people.
The legal team sought assistance from a small group of benevolent visionaries, consisting of politicians, military generals, and business people who have been secretly working to restore the constitution since the mid 1950’s. Somehow within their ranks, a four star U.S. army general received “title” and “receiver” of the original 1933 United States Bankruptcy.
When the case was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court, they ruled in his favor, giving the Army General title over the United States, Inc. Legal action was then passed on to the Senate Finance Committee and Senator Sam Nunn, who was working with Roy Schwasinger. With the help of covert congressional and political pressure, President George H.W. Bush issued an Executive Order (a) on Oct. 23, 1991, which provided a provision allowing anyone who has a claim against the federal government to receive payment as long as it’s within the rules of the original format of the case.
(a) Executive Order No. 12778 Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees; October 23, 1991
According to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, all present and succeeding debts against the U.S. Treasury must be assumed by the Federal Reserve. Thus the famer’s claims legal team was able to use that executive order to not only force the Federal Reserve to pay out damages in a gold backed currency but also allow them to receive legal ownership over the bankruptcy of United States, Inc.
To collect damages the farmers legal team used an obscure attachment to the 14th amendment which most people are not aware of. After the civil war the government allowed citizens to claim a payment on anyone who suffered damages as a result of the Federal Government failing to protect its citizens from harm or damages by a foreign government. President Grant had this attachment sealed from public eyes but somehow, someone the farmer’s legal team got a hold of it.
If you listened to that carefully, it specifies damages by a foreign government. That foreign government is the corporate federal government which has been masquerading to the public as the constitutional government. Remember this goes back to the Organic Act of 1871 and the Trading with the Enemies Act of 1933, which defined all citizens as enemy combatants under the federal system known as the United States. The Justices and farmer’s legal team recognized how evil and corrupt our federal government had become and to counteract this they added some provisions in the settlement to bring the government back under control.
a. First they would have to be paid using a lawful currency, backed by gold and silver as the constitution dictates. This would eliminate inflation and gyrating economic cycles created by the Federal Reserve System.
b. Second they would be required to go back to common law instead of admiralty law under the gold fringe flags. Under common law if there is no damage or harm done then there is no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which are used to control the masses and protect corrupt politicians.
c. Lastly the IRS would have to be dismantled and replaced with a national sales tax. This is the basis of the NESARA Law.
When the legal team finally settled on a figure, each individual would receive an average of $20 million dollars payout per claim. Multiplied by a total of 336,000 claims that were filed against the U.S. Federal Government, the total payout would come out to a staggering $6.6 trillion dollars.
The U.S. Supreme Court placed a gag order on the case, struck all information from the Federal Registry, and placed all records in the Supreme Court files. Up to that point Senator Sam Nunn had kept the Baskerville Case records within his office. A settlement was agreed to out of court and the decision was sealed by Janet Reno. Because the case was sealed, claimants are not allowed to share court documents to media outlets without violating the settlement, but they can still tell others about the lawsuit. This is why you probably have not heard about this.
In 1991 Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the banks and governments criminal activity. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which would bring about a fascist one world government ruled by the international bankers. So in 1992 a task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported constitutional law.* This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve.
*Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda
*General David McCloud
*Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby
They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only 2 out of 535 members of congress were deemed honest. But more importantly they carried out the first ever audit of the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve was used to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However after they were informed their offices would be raided under military gunpoint if necessary; they complied with the investigation. After reviewing their files the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. And contrary to federal government propaganda they also discovered that most nations had in fact owed money to the United States instead of the other way around.
These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay the farmers claims class action lawsuit, later this money would become the basis of the prosperity programs.
Despite these death blows President George H.W. Bush and the illuminati continued on with their plans of global enslavement.
In August 1992 the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign agreement that he would return the United States to constitutional law and ordered him to never use the term New World Order again. Bush pretended to cooperate but secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway by signing an Executive Order on December 25, 1992, that would have indefinitely closed all banks giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law.
Under the chaos of martial law, Bush intended to install a new constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years and it would have removed all rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that Executive order.
In 1993 members of the Supreme Court, certain members of congress and representatives from the Clinton government meet with high ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to constitutional law, reforms of the banking system, and financial redress. They agreed to create the farm claims process which would allow the legal team to set up meetings all over the country on a grass roots level to help others file claims and to educate them about the lawsuit.
A claim of harm could be made on any loan issued by a financial institution for all interest paid; foreclosures; attorney and court fees; IRS taxes or liens; real estate and property taxes; mental and emotional stress caused by the loss of property; stress related illness such as suicide and divorce; and even warrants, incarceration, and probation could also be claimed.
But the Clinton government undermined their efforts by requiring the farm claims to use a specific form designed by the government. This form imposed an administrative fee of $300 for each claim, which was later used in 1994 as a basis to arrest the leaders of the legal team including Roy Schwasinger.
The government was so afraid of what they would say during their trial in Michigan that extra steps were taken to conceal the true nature of the case. County courthouse employees were not allowed to work between Monday and Thursday during the course of the trial. And outside the courthouse, FBI agents swarmed the perimeter preventing the media and visitors from learning what was going on as well.
Harassment and retaliation by the government increased, many where sent prison or murdered while incarcerated. Despite being protected by his military personnel the army general who acquired the original 1933 Title of Bankruptcy of the United States; was imprisoned, killed, and replaced with a clone. This clone was then used as a decoy to prevent any further claims from being filed.
During the first Clinton administration the military delayed many of Clinton’s federal appointments until they were sure these individuals would help restore constitutional law. One such individual who promised to bring about the necessary changes was Attorney General Janet Reno.
In agreement with the Supreme Court ruling on June 3, 1993, Janet Reno ordered the Delta Force and Navy Seals to Switzerland, England, and Israel to recapture trillions of dollars of gold stolen by the Federal Reserve System from the strategic gold reserves. These nations cooperated with the raid because they were promised their debts owed to the United States would be canceled and because the people who stole the money from the United States also stole money from their nations as well.
This bullion is to be used for the new currency backed by precious metals. It’s now safely stockpiled at the Norad Complex at Colorado Springs, Colorado and four other repositories. Janet Reno’s action so enraged the powers-that-be, that it resulted in her death. She was then replaced with a clone and it was this creature that was responsible for covering-up the various Clinton scandals.
To keep the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Robert Rubin in line, he too was also cloned. For the remainder of their term in office both Reno and Rubin received their salaries from the International Monetary Fund as foreign agents and not from the U.S. Treasury. Despite these actions the legal team continued on with their fight while managing to avoid bloodshed and a major revolution.
After 1993 the farmer claims process name was changed to Bank Claims. Between 1993 and 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court required U.S. citizens to file “Bank Claims” to collect damages paid by the U.S. Treasury Department. This process CLOSED in 1996.
During this time the U.S. Supreme Court assigned one or more Justices to monitor the progress of the rulings. They enlisted help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. These justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide; known as ‘White Knights”. The term ‘White Knights’ was borrowed from the world of big business. It refers to a vulnerable company that is rescued by a corporation or a wealthy person from a hostile takeover.
To implement the required changes, the five Justices spent years negotiating how the reformations would occur. Eventually they settled on certain agreements, also known as ‘Accords’, with the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve Bank owners, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and with numerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone. Because these U.S. banking reformations will impact the entire world; the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had to be involved. The reformations require that the Federal Reserve be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks’ fraudulent activities must be stopped and payment must be made for past harm.
In 1998, the military generals who originally participated in the famer’s claim process realized that the US Supreme Court justices had no intentions of implementing the ‘Accords.’ So they decided the only way to implement the reformations was through a law passed by congress. In 1999 a 75 page document known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) was submitted to congress where it sat with little action for almost a year.
Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act.
These 15 members of congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th amendment. Remember British soldiers destroyed copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in the war of 1812 because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office.
NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.
NESARA implements the following changes:
1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
2. Abolishes the income tax
3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential ‘new items only’ sales tax revenue for the government. In other words food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
5. Increases benefits to senior citizens
6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment. Hundreds of thousands of Americans under the control of foreign powers will lose their citizenship, be deported to other countries, and barred from reentry for the remainder of their life. And millions of people will soon discover their college degrees are now worthless paper.
8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The intern government will cancel all “National Emergencies” and return us back to constitutional law.
9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury, ‘rainbow currency,’ backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
14. Restores financial privacy
15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide
17. Establishes peace throughout the world
18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.
Because President Clinton’s clone had no interest in signing NESARA into law on October 10, 2000; under orders from U.S. military generals the elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order.
From its very inception Bush Sr., the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official congressional registry, to reflect a commemorative coin and then again it was revised even more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.
You probably never heard of this law due to an extremely strict gag order placed upon politicians, media personnel, and bank officers. Even though Alex Jones or Ron Paul will not tell you about it, the law is still valid.
And members of congress will not tell us any of this because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to ‘deny’ the existence of NESARA or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with ‘obstruction.’ When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, but before he could, his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.
If fear isn’t enough to keep congress in line, money is. The CIA routinely bribes senators with stolen loot from the bank roll programs. Every senator has been bribed with a minimum of $200 million dollars deposited in a Bank of America account in Canada. You will never hear the media networks report about NESARA. To maintain silence, major news networks such as CNN are paid in the tune of $2 billion dollars annually. Some of this loot is funneled by the Mormon Church in Utah through Senator Orin Hatch’s office and Bank of America.
Not only is congress bribed but the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff and upper tier of the government including the president receives these payments as well. Only the Provost Marshall has the lawful authority to arrest these individuals, but sadly he won’t do his job either. It seems the United State military is full of pencil pushing politicians who care more about advancement then doing their job.
And not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the internet. Prominent nay-sayers, which is rumored to be a CIA front; which is maintained by the Bush family; Sherry Shriner; and various Internet channelers receiving their messages from telepathic spooks have all contributed to the confusion.
Even the information on Wikipedia is in error. Wikipedia gives you the history of CIA agent Harvey Barnard’s NESARA law. If you look closely, this law stands for National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which would have made reforms to the economy and replace the income tax with a national sales tax. This law was rejected by congress in the 1990’s. But there is little mention of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act on Wikipedia or its ramifications.
September 11, 2001
The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s not an easy task to do. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA.
The NESARA law requires that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the law to the public. Three current US Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement. These Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement.
In 2001 after much negotiation the Supreme Court justices ordered the current Congress to pass resolutions ‘approving’ NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law. On September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 am Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.
Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of World Trade Center to stop the international banking computers on floors one and two, in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were planted by both CIA and Mossad operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7 which was demolished later that day in order to cover-up their crime.
Remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Command Center who were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its tracks, George Bush Sr. decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people.

more good signs: Poof April 29 2012

Greetings and Salutations;

 I'm sorry to have to still write and tell you what you've been waiting for, is still coming to you. Not any of us, but many who'd been waiting a lot longer than any of us are quite happy now. Considering some of the last been hangin' since 1984. These are not the same as big lenders who got their principal back some time ago, like chinese families who were holding paper from ages ago and were given the face value of those docs. Once, certain things were opened up to me, I counted 100 zeroes to make the transition, and that wasn't all. Looks they got enough to, 'raise the dead and heal the sick'. The limits are being ripped off folks, how many are ready to be 'gobsmacked' at what appears at the end of their noses.

 Any one who's been reading my stuff for all these years, can tell you, I don't put 'hair on fire' messages out. I sustain that; the world is going thru a massive shift and it favors no one, save those who are willing to roll their sleeves up and be a steward of the earth's goodies. As they say in Jamaica, Cyalm ya sef mon. Too much foo foo biznees mek ya crazy. A little rum, coconut water, ginger and lime, will take you a long way, yea mon. The internet is filled by johnny come lately's running their mouths about something they just found out. There's no reason for you to get all tripped expecting the worse. They know people may get a little 'tripped' by what becomes public information but no one can change the past, use those past experiences, so you never repeat them. You know that's how religions got started. Zorastrianism started by connecting fire with purification and was the first to separate the heavens into 'good and bad' beings. They are just beliefs people and you're getting hammered with them right now The 'Goblins' are screaming at you from the side of the path. Ignore them!!! They aren't in control and we are Not going to go to hell in a hand basket. You watch, they'll be looking like the wicked witch of the west of Oz, shortly. I'm melting, I'm melting......

 There is order to this all, maybe you don't understand it but 'they' who are doing it, certainly do, factoring in things you never thought of. Since the beginning, I have told you there's more going on than putting some money in your pocket. Those 'things' have been attended to and for That you need not worry. Like a black hole coming from outer space and sucking the world inside out. I have learned that half the stuff in the bible were 'hair of fire' stuff, put down by prophets who were translating visions too literally. The church took it and used it to to keep people running to their doors for redemption, spending a lot of money. Time to break out of 'tribal' folks. Go into your closet and get it straight. You have got to know somewhere with in you the 'first cause', wouldn't abandon creation to chaos. What?? you came from somewhere and you were left alone, to figure it out? It worked out real good for they who took over the leadership positions, all attention was on them. Organized religion, like politics and drug companies, and clandestine, organizations are all going away as, relics of the past. You're going to Jetson world and it'll make disney world look like the Flinstone's.

 I will never call the 'moment' even if it was received on a doc written in blood, I'm just saying the weather sure looks good and that big things jumped off last monday and may answer the question as to why russia shut down their stockmarket. Frenchy stopped bitchn' too. That should tell you something about the progress. They got the system locked up and 'hard cheese' for anyone 'trying something'. Time for me to shut up again and leave you with this;

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Poof: Time to Dance in the Streets

Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 16:33:59 -0400

Irving Berlin Puttin' On The Ritz Lyrics
Have you seen the well-to-do
Upon Lennox Avenue
On that famous thoroughfare
With their noses in the air

High hats and narrow collars
White spats and fifteen dollars
Spending every dime
For a wonderful time

If you're blue
And you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where Harlem flits
Puttin' on the Ritz
Spangled Gowns upon the bevy of
High browns from down the levy
All misfits
Puttin' on the Ritz

That's where each and every lulu-belle goes
Every Thursday evening with her swell beaus
Rubbin' elbows

Come with me and we'll attend their jubilee
And see them spend
Their last two bits
Puttin' on the Ritz

(Boys, look at that man puttin' on that Ritz)
(You look at him, I can't)

If you're blue
And you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where Harlem flits
Puttin' on the Ritz
Spangled Gowns upon the bevy of
High browns from down the levy
All misfits
Puttin' on that certain Ritz

That's where each and every lulu-belle goes
Every Thursday evening with her swell beaus
Rubbin' elbows

Come with me and we'll attend their jubilee
And see them spend
Their last two bits
Puttin' on the Ritz

Come with me and we'll attend their jubilee
And see them spend
Their last two bits
Puttin' on the Ritz

Greetings and Salutations;

 It's clear, no matter where you look, the world is collectively expecting 'something' massive to happen, and depending on who your guru of info is, it will be tailored in a certain way. Ie; 'we're all going to hell in a hand basket'. Basic physics here, energy is neutral until acted upon by an out side force. That force could be fear, translating information in the negative. A lot of people translate 'change' from the known as negative, because they can't 'control' it.
That, they are just realizing History is in the making, leaves them suspect in offering advice. We're not remaking sliced bread here but coming up with an entirely new cuisine. The only folks who won't like the new menu is, the bad guys because, they aren't allowed in the kitchen anymore. Some won't even be able to be bus boys.

 The above lyrics are from another time, expressing an idea of the times. 'High Browns' speaking to those times, that it was better to be lighter skinned if you were black, to hang out with the 'white folks'. The young one's this go around, will break the mold, they see it as a waste and simply will not carry that stuff into the future. Prejudice is is not native to the soul, it is learned behavior. Watch children, they are more selfish than anything else. The young ones now say, 'we need to dance' and will find any reason to do that. A big message is hitting 'Loosen Up'. The minister of loosen up has passed this week. If there's a Rock and Roll heaven, you can be sure, he's just been greeted as the master of ceremonies. Dick Clark, the world's oldest teenager, has left this world.  Levon Helm of the 'Band' followed closely.

 The countdown has started, it was like some clarion call went off and folks went into reaction mode. Some have done their time to cause it to happen. Others don't want to see it happen, that's how free will works not that it changes anything, when the 'word' comes down....the bottom will deal accordingly, like white blood cells go out to defend the body. This world is now filled with antibodies, the healing has begun. The clouds are filled with water and now prepare for a down pour of biblical proportions. The force of the rising waters will move you from just observing, it will push you in a direction. Get that surf board waxed, the big one is headed for shore. Just stay on top, no need to be an 'expert' surfer, 'hangin' ten' and all that. While you were listening to the talking heads, the us banking system was fundamentally changed. Many losing their jobs in the process for looking backwards at what used to be. For anyone not paying attention, when 'the acts of 1871' are repealed and what that means are announced, the public will be rocked...down to their patriotic cores.The real constitution is being returned now, the 'business' of law, ended. Maritime law ends with it. Needless to say, there's some very nervous folks in the back ground, hoping they'll squeak by the purge arriving at their front doors, no matter where they seek to hide.

 It's going to interesting to say the least. An advisory here, folks will 'smell' money in the air, and will seeking to put their hand in your back pocket or your purse. Use commonsense, have an awareness of where you are putting your money....who and what.

I'm going to lean back in my chair now, and watch this play out, and pay strict attention to the news forth coming from DC and China.

Love and Kisses



The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused three years after their financial excesses would sank one of the most prosperous economies in 2008.
Iceland Forgives Mortgage Debt for the Population. Putting Bankers and Politicians on “Bench of Accused”
This is awesome. It shows when the people DO STAND UP they have more power and win against the corrupt bankers and politicians of a country. Iceland is forgiving and erasing the mortgage debt of the population.
They are putting the bankers and politicians on the “Bench of the Accused.” Which means I assume they are putting them on trial for corruption.

Now the rest of people of the world need to start doing the same thing. We all need to stand up and against all the corruption and fraud of the banks and politicians that are puppets of the banks and corporations.
The beauty of it is that they will have a load of cash to circulate into the economy and into service industries etc…instead of feeding it to the parasite bankers and out of the economy, great idea. If it was warmer I’d move to Iceland.
For Whom The Bell Tolls:
This could very well be the first chime of many to signal the Death of the World Banking System headed by our ‘good’ friends the Rothschild’s.
Iceland Strikes the First Major Blow Against the World Banking (Fraud) Cartel. This is what can immediately put money into the hands of many American’s.
The Us Government through Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA own 96% of all bad housing loans. Many have stated, that in effect,
“The US Government is Foreclosing on itself.” This is the very definition of Insanity. It is a form of Suicide.
Major Banks only hold 3% of bad housing loans, 3%!
This is not a banking problem, it is a Government problem, they hold the loans!
We were just about to do a story on America Foreclosing on itself when this article came across our computer.
Times have just gotten brighter.
This is Awesome, News!
The Title says it all:
The True Democracy Party now calls for Nation-Wide Mortgage Debt Forgiveness!
“Who is with US ?!”

more good signs >> Japan to forgive $3.7 billion of Myanmar's debt

Japan said Saturday it will forgive about 300 billion yen ($3.7 billion) of Myanmar's debt and resume development aid as a way to support the country's democratic and economic reforms.

Monday, April 16, 2012

It is time to take the ring of power to mount doom by Benjamin Fulford, April 17, 2012

  • The battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of the planet has reached a temporary deadlock…
  • The situation has reached the point where physical action against the committee (mainly in the form of mass arrests) has become the only possible recourse.
  • There is no M1 [a single individual [that] has ultimate control over the creation and distribution of money] now according to the Swiss government and other sources.
  • The committee of 300 tried to cash $600 trillion worth of bonds… They claimed to represent the Dragon Family Royal Society…but… it turns out to have been an attempt by the committee of 300 to pretend they represented Asia.
  • …Neil Keenan and Keith Scott issued a cease and desist against UBS Chairman Kaspar Villiger and a Singaporean agent… who were caught trying to get their hand on the real dragon family’s funds.
  • Shortly after that UK Prime Minister David Cameron also tried to get his hands on the money but was rebuffed.
  • …the situation in Cabal controlled economies is getting progressively worse by the day.
  • Put in simple terms, the European cabal controlled banking system is bankrupt. What this means is that the European people are about to be freed from debt slavery.
  • There were also reports from three different sources from three separate intelligence agencies (MI6, CIA and NSA) that the Bushes, Clintons and other cabal leaders had prepared a hideaway in the Bahamas.
  • …sources in the Pentagon make it clear the cabalists will not be allowed to leave the United States until they have faced the justice system.
  • These same sources say 800 bankers have already resigned and many arrests have already taken place.
  • In China as well, there are signs of major change… Clearly some sort of coup d’etat can now be confirmed to have taken place there even though the Western corporate news corps is still only focused on Bo Xilai.
  • Major historical changes are becoming increasingly obvious.
  • In Japan, the yakuza and right wing forces allied with the White Dragon Society… are making plans to detain key cabal operatives for questioning.
The battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of the planet has reached a temporary deadlock as the committee of 300 struggles to maintain power even as the rest of the world continues to push for a fair, free and open financial system controlled by the people of the planet. The situation has reached the point where physical action against the committee (mainly in the form of mass arrests) has become the only possible recourse.
One problem, of course, lies in the issue of what to do about the “ring of power,” or the job hitherto referred to as M1, wherein a single individual has ultimate control over the creation and distribution of money. There is no M1 now according to the Swiss government and other sources. Somebody needs to make sure that never again is single individual given such power and that means metaphorically taking the centralized control of finance and dissolving it in the “Mt. Doom,” of the Lord of the Rings to ensure that humanity is once again free from debt slavery and horror.
There were many meetings world-wide last week aimed at accomplishing exactly this.

In Japan a representative of the White Dragon Society met with top Finance Ministry official Eijiro Katsu and Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa last Thursday to discuss what to do about the astronomical sums placed inside Federal Reserve Board and Euroclear computers by competing factions.
The answer they gave is that Japan wants to go ahead and start using the funds for the benefit of the planet but that the Japanese authorities needed to proceed cautiously. Translation: They want to make sure they are on the winning side and will keep a low profile until then.
The committee of 300 tried to cash $600 trillion worth of bonds, through Dr. Zvonko Berdik-Albert, “President and CEO of the World Economy & Finance Treasury.” They claimed to represent the Dragon Family Royal Society composed of Asian royal families but as reported last week it turns out to have been an attempt by the committee of 300 to pretend they represented Asia. However, their representative has since ceased all contact with either the White Dragon Society or the Japanese government.
In a different move, Neil Keenan and Keith Scott issued a cease and desist against UBS Chairman Kaspar Villiger and a Singaporean agent by the name of Alex Ling Lee Soon who were caught trying to get their hand on the real dragon family’s funds. Shortly after that UK Prime Minister David Cameron also tried to get his hands on the money but was rebuffed. Keenan and Scott are working on behalf of a Swiss led 134 nation alliance.
In the meantime, the situation in Cabal controlled economies is getting progressively worse by the day. For example, markets in Europe were rattled last week despite feel good talk by various cabal controlled leaders like Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel. The real situation in Europe is as follows* The Greek Government has unfunded liabilities worth 800% of their GDP and their economy shrank by 5% last year. The unemployment rate in Spain is 23% while the youth unemployment rate is 50%. The Portuguese economy is expected to shrink by 5% this year. Italy’s debt is 2.7 times that of the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain). Their chief creditor, the German banking system, meanwhile, is leveraged at 32/1.
Put in simple terms, the European cabal controlled banking system is bankrupt. What this means is that the European people are about to be freed from debt slavery.
In the US as well, institutions like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan etc. are already shadows of their former selves with their CEOs constantly surrounded by lawyers and armed guards.
There were also reports from three different sources from three separate intelligence agencies (MI6, CIA and NSA) that the Bushes, Clintons and other cabal leaders had prepared a hideaway in the Bahamas. A look with Google Earth did reveal two separate locations with air-strips located next to a group of ultra-rich people’s type housing complexes. One of the Islands had a giant Star of David on it clearly visible from a satellite.
However, sources in the Pentagon make it clear the cabalists will not be allowed to leave the United States until they have faced the justice system. These same sources say 800 bankers have already resigned and many arrests have already taken place.
In China as well, there are signs of major change. As noted before, all the top leaders such as Xi Xinping who were supposed to take over the government this year have vanished from the pages of the official Xinhua government news site in April. Clearly some sort of coup d’etat can now be confirmed to have taken place there even though the Western corporate news corps is still only focused on Bo Xilai. The Bo investigation has definitely gone far beyond him.
In Japan too, the yakuza and right wing forces allied with the White Dragon Society are getting impatient and are making plans to detain key cabal operatives for questioning. Major historical changes are becoming increasingly obvious.